Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World
Getting Ahead
"Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World” is intended to teach people how to increase their income, decrease debt, become more self-sufficient, decrease social services assistance, and increase awareness of dental, vision, medical and financial services available in the Copper Country.
Investigators participating in Getting Ahead will get to meet guest speakers, get paid to learn, plan for a better future, and meet new people.
Participants must attend an in-person admissions interview and commit to 17 weeks of class.

Spring 2025 session
Getting Ahead applications for the spring 2025 session are now closed. The session will conclude in June.
Applications for the Fall 2025 session are open. Interviews will begin in August.
Goals and Outcomes
- To become a more stable individual
- To increase personal income
- To decrease amount of debt
- To pursue or further education
- To create a personal bank account
- To increase self-sufficiency
Who’s Eligible?
- People below the 200% of the federal poverty level
- Individuals not on permanent disability assistance
- Individuals who have been in recovery, if needed, at least six months
- Individuals who are cognitively capable
- Individuals who want to change their lives
Provided Free at Classes
- Educational Childcare
- Dinner
- Transportation (if needed)
- $25 food card, for each class attended
Let’s Get Started.
Our classes will typically start in late January and late August. We are always accepting applications for people to join our Getting Ahead classes.
Step 1: Apply.
The application is available as an online form via the button below. We can also provide a printable PDF or a hard copy for you. Please contact us if you would like that.
Step 2: Complete admissions interview.
As we near the next class we’ll reach out to applicants to complete an admissions interview where we’ll learn more about the folks who might join.
Picture Yourself Here
Relive the magic of the first Getting Ahead Graduation Ceremony for Copper Shores Bridges! The event celebrated eight individuals who live in Michigan’s Copper Country that completed the 16-week program.
Contact Us
At Copper Shores Bridges we want nothing more than to see you succeed. We're here to help every step of the way. Feel free to call, text or email us.
- Email:
- Call/Text: 1 (906) 281-9204

Richard Simpson