PODCAST: People of 2022 Keweenaw Seed Swap
March 30, 2022 | By Michael H. Babcock
The PHF Podcast is doing something a little different this time as host Michael H. Babcock was the reporter on the street at the annual Keweenaw Seed Swap. This year’s event was at the Portage Lake District Library as part of the Portage Lake Seed Library.
In addition to providing amazing opportunities to swap local seeds, there were a series of lightning talks focused on gardening, local food systems and seed saving. In this podcast episode, Babcock talks with about a dozen people who attended the event to see why they were there, what they were hoping to get from the event, what their history is with gardening and food, and what seeds they swapped that day.
The PHF Podcast is available on all major podcast platforms by searching PHF Podcast. Learn more about the Portage Lake Seed Library at wupfoodsystems.com/portage-lake-seed-library.