In-home assessments
At Copper Shores Meals on Wheels, we pride ourselves in the relationships we make with those we serve. For us to develop those relationships in the best way possible, we complete semiannual in-home assessments. We do this to get to know each person we serve on an individual level, to understand what unique needs each person has and to complete required paperwork to fund our program.
What is an in-home assessment?
Our trained assessor Jessica Mills will make an appointment to visit your home. During her visit, she will get to know you better while learning more about your current diet and nutritional needs, home life, and social connections. Mills will also walk around your home with you to make sure you aren’t having any difficulties with activities of daily living. Mills will also discuss any assistance you currently receive or need while answering a series of specific questions that funders like the Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP) requires.
It’s important to note that seniors are not required to answer any question and everything we do is non-judgmental. We simply want to help people be safe and live in as healthy of an environment as possible. A senior and their family might not even realize a risk in their household, but our trained assessor will help identify potential issues and make needed connections to solve any issues.
When does an assessment take place?
Copper Shores Meals on Wheels will schedule an initial in-home assessment within 14 days of joining the program, and complete reassessments every six months.
Who completes the assessment?

Jessica Mills is the Copper Shores Meals on Wheels Program Assessor.
Initial referrals and inquiries for home delivered meal services are done over the phone with seniors, a family member or a caregiver. Mills then visits their home in an effort to get to know each person Meals on Wheels serves on an individual level, to understand what unique needs each person has and to complete required paperwork to fund the program.
All Meals on Wheels participants who receive meals delivered to their homes are required to complete assessments. Data gathered during the assessment is provided to Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP).
How does an assessment happen?
Jessica Mills will reach out to seniors via phone to schedule a time. For this to be as meaningful for everyone involved as possible, this should take place in the home of the senior. Scheduling is flexible. During the assessment, Mills will go through a series of questions outlined by Michigan Office of Services to the Aging.
Family members are welcome to join. That is especially recommended if the senior has dementia. Family members who can’t attend in person are welcome to join via phone or video call.
Why are assessments important?
Assessments are required for Copper Shores Meals on Wheels from its funders, which include the State of Michigan through Upper Peninsula Commission for Area Progress (UPCAP). The results of these in-home assessments have huge benefits for the seniors and for the staff at Copper Shores Meals on Wheels. We can provide a better individualized service to participants, we often hear about feedback that shapes the future of our program during these assessments, and we are often able to make suggestions to seniors to make their daily living situations better or to other agencies who can help such as Community Action, At-Home Companions or Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly.
“Ultimately Meals on Wheels helps people remain home as long as possible because of the meal they receive and the regular check in. This assessment takes it to the next level because if they do need help with other things, we’re able to help people get that assistance. Many people have little tips and tricks they’ve picked up or made up to help them live at home longer, and as an assessor I pick up on those things. I can help bring those little things into other people’s houses. Every situation is unique, and each senior is different in what they experience.” – Preceding Meals on Wheels Assessor Caitlin Sundblad

Meet Our Assessor