Anonymous donor funds Krupp’s pasties for more than 350 seniors
August 23, 2024 | By Emilie Jacques
Pasties can be found in almost every community in the Copper Country, and for good reason. These tasty and portable meals have deep roots in the region's history, providing sustenance to miners in the past and continuing to help drive business and tourism today. Hearty, filling, portable, warm, delicious; pasties are a favorite for many, including local seniors.
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Krupp’s Mini Mart has once again made pasty lunches for the more than 350 seniors served at Copper Shores Meals on Wheels every day. The donation, a generous $1,000 check, came after the donor shared his own experiences volunteering with Meals on Wheels in his hometown. Moved by the impact of the program on seniors in the Copper Country, he was eager to contribute to the local community.
Yesterday marks the second time Krupp’s Mini Mart has generously provided pasties for the Meals on Wheels clients. Each pasty represents not just a meal, but a bridge connecting seniors to their community. For many of these individuals, who may have limited mobility and social interaction, these meals are a vital link to the outside world.
The response was been overwhelmingly positive, with many seniors eagerly awaiting another pasty meal since Krupp’s Mini Mart first partnered with the Meals on Wheels program in the fall of 2023. Tina and Troy Povich, owners of Krupp’s Mini Mart, express their pride in supporting the senior community and hope their actions will inspire other local businesses to join in this spirit of generosity and camaraderie.
To watch people and flavor come together, watch Copper Shores’ video with Tina and Troy Povich of Krupp’s Mini Mart. To learn more about Meals on Wheels’ efforts to feed local seniors local food, visit

Emilie Jacques
"I graduated from Michigan Tech with a B.S. in Psychology, a minor in Communication Studies, and a minor in Media Production. I love the outdoors and DnD." You can reach Emilie at